Thursday, July 3, 2014

Christian Life Program Orientation

I was not able to attend the Orientation of the Christian Life Program batch I was part of and I have got to say that it was quite fun!

Our group was assigned to be ushers and usherettes or as I liked to say the 'welcoming committee'. We stationed ourselves at the building lobby. We had no way of knowing who the invitees were so we gave warm greetings to everyone coming in and people must have been wondering who we were and what we were doing. There surely are no shortages of puzzled expressions!
We were quite nervous as the scheduled time approached and only one brother came on time. As tie trickled by though, more and more came! yay Praise God!

our team head and the early bird!!


After the teaching of worship songs and a brief introduction to the CLP and SFC it was time for some 'getting-to-know-you' games!! the first game was a bingo type game where participants are given a piece of paper with description/character/hobbie grids. All are instructed to go around and ask people which description/character or hobbies fit them most. The first to fill up the form wins!

There were a total of 34 participants that came to the orientation and we are claiming that more will attend in the following Fridays!!! the SFC family is getting bigger and bigger!!!

... and for all of this May God Be Praised!!!

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