Wednesday, September 17, 2014

the Great I AM

inspirationa reading for today!
The word of the Lord is upright and all his works done in faithfulness.    – Psalm 33:4
Whenever we encounter stressful moments, let us call on God using personal endearing names that revela His character to us in the way that we need him to be at those times.
When we feel our temper starting to get the better of us, let us call on the God of peace to call our nerves. When we are having a frenetic day, let us call on the God of order to work all things out.
Calling on God in an intimate, fatherly way deepens our realtionship with Him. His words “when you call to Me, I will answer you,” becomes a reality. Our God is not a distant, but a personal God.
Reflection:  are you tired and anxious about certain situations in your life? Call on the Lord who is the Great I Am.
Prayer:  Oh Holy Spirit, guide us always to the path where your grace and gifts abound.

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