Saturday, September 27, 2014

sometimes the answer is "no"

Last August, my friends and I made plans to go on a tour of Budapest, Hungary on our October EID Holiday. We booked our flight ticket, made hotel reservations and prepared all the required documents – the only glitch is that our UAE visas were up for renewal and as such won’t be able to apply for Hungarian Tourist visa at the earliest. 

Still, we pushed thru with our plans and prayed that everything will fall into place – which everything seemed to…. our UAE visas were renewed and our tourist visas approved– but because everything came at the last minute, we lost our flight booking…

… Just when we thought everything is going as planned – something goes awry… 

… It was disheartening to say the least but the words that kept ringing in my head are “sometimes the answer is no…”

yes sometimes the answer to our prayers can be “no”,  and we just have to ask for the grace to accept God’s will, learn to see the bigger picture and understand the message – keeping faith that all is well because surely God has better plans for our own good…

… as of writing all our plans are yet to be finalized – I am having second thoughts about going even though my friends are determined to go no matter what…

… I lift it all up to you Lord – May your plans be our plans…

… And for all of this May God Be Praised!!!

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