Sunday, January 26, 2014

letters to heaven

When we were young, no matter how far along Christmas still is whenever we get a balloon (at birthday parties, a free restaurant giveaway or any other occasion) we would always write a letter to Santa. 

We would make a list of all the toys that we want with our solemn promise to be good boys and girls, we would tie our letter to the balloon, release it and watch it fly away - praying and hoping it would have enough helium in it to reach the North Pole, reach Santa and give him ample time to get our presents.

I didn't really think it silly when we realized the truth about Santa growing up - if anything I consider it an act of faith - doing it every time you have the chance despite not always getting what you want because in your heart you trust and know that you will be heard...

The same idea was proposed for our Chapter Morning fellowship cum Christmas Party. During the personal reflection part of our worship - we were asked to write letters to God which we are supposed to tie on a balloon, there wasn't any helium balloons available sadly but we wrote the letter knowing that God knows what will be in them before we even put pen to paper...

... and for all of this May God Be Praised!!!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

15th Middle East Conference 2013

Anchored on the bible verse 1 John 4:19 "We are beloved because he first loved us" the 15th SFC Middle East Conference held last October 25-25, 2013 in Al Ain UAE, was indeed overflowing with testaments and personal experiences of God's profound love for us. 

I personally am moved by the session where we were urged to hug SFC and CFC elders and ask them to pray over us as we confide in them our feelings of unworthiness that hinder us from fully and completely experiencing God's love.

Having just joined the community and beginning the path to rediscovering my faith and knowing God. I am often riddled by feelings of inadequacy in prioritizing SFC activities over personal commitments. As a CFC tita prayed over me, I felt not only her embrace physically but emotionally as well. I believe God led me to her specially and thru her give me the assurance and encouragement  that I needed.


It is only by saying resounding "YES!" to the Lord - Yearn to be with God everyday, Enjoy his provisions and blessing daily and Submitting to God's ways and timing at all times that we can fully experience the greatness of his love.

... and for all of this YES indeed May God Be Praised!!!

*photos in the video are not all mine, credits to official SFC Facebook page and fellow SFC members

Sunday, January 19, 2014

bigger Manus Dei family

As I have said in previous posts, when I penned that personal reflection regarding my CLP experience, my only aim is to share my insight as an SFC 'newbie' to fellow participants. I never imagined I'd be part of something like Manus Dei.

Manus Dei, which is Latin for Hand of God is one of the many CFC-SFC Ministry aimed to realize the CFC-SFC mission and vision. Often referred to as the 'silent service' it aims to spread the word of God thru inspiring stories, poems, personal reflections and realizations articles of community members regarding the various activities and teachings of SFC.

Ushering in 2014, the Manus Dei team held a simple meeting and induction of new member and brainstorming of ideas for the improvement the existing format and the addition of new sections geared to make the newsletter more interactive and appealing to readers consequently reaching out to more people, inspiring them and encouraging them to share their stories to touch even more hearts. The night was filled with inspired ideas being exchange interspersed with tummy aching laughter. 

It was indeed an inspiration filled night that I went home still raking my by brain for possible ideas and sections to pitch, unable to sleep despite the lateness of the hour. There is nothing like the adrenalin rush of having a sudden idea borne out of something simple yet inspiring event more so when you are with inspiring people who encourage you and push you to do your best and I pray to God to always keep me level headed and grounded - to always remind me that his service if for his Praise and Glory and not mine...

... and for all of this May God Be Praised!!!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Lord's day

Lord's Day celebration is a ceremony celebrated in the spirit of joy and thanksgiving. 

To be surrounded by sisters who pray for you and with you is really humbling and inspiring - I thank God for bringing them into my life. They are the angels that inspire me to be a better person and remind me how blessed I am.

With prayers, feast and fellowship last night's celebration with my unit sisters was one for the books as it includes  a surprise birthday for one of our dear sister - the Korean-novela inspired theme and impromptu skits added to the fun, laughter and togetherness.

Monday, January 6, 2014

New Year's Resolutions

I earned the moniker ‘tiger’ in office because I can really be ‘masungit’ when the mental and physical stress and pressure of work gets to me… some times I just sit pokerfaced and mechanically do my job…

Recently,a client (who turns out to be a CFC elder handling YFC), upon finding out that I am in the Singles for Christ community confessed to previously wanting to invite me to join SFC but held back because I always seemed aloof.  Today he told me that he sees a positive change in me – it was the best compliment ever!

So for 2014, my resolution is to be a more positive and cheerful person, taking more into heart the teachings and inspirations from SFC activities, talks and HH meetings.

With the grace of God may I continue changing for the better - embodying what it is to be a true SFC Member!

... and for all of this May God be Praised!!!

Christmas Alphabet

Simbang Gabi is a devotional nine-day Mass series honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary in anticipation of Christmas. It originated in the early days of Spanish rule over the Philippines as a practical compromise for farmers who, to avoid the noonday heat, starts to work before sunrise. It eventually became a cherished Christmas custom and a distinct feature of Filipino culture.

That cold night of the first Simbang Gabi mass, when the choir started to sing carols, I could not help but gush to whoever would listen how good they were – it was like listening to the radio. It was so nostalgic that I was transported to the time when our family would play carols on full blast and one of them was the Christmas Alphabet – where Christmas is represented by candy canes, Santa and toys underneath a tree so tall. It was a carol we all know by heart, but this year, in the course of nine days, I learned a new Christmas Alphabet based on the night’s gospel readings and Father Troy’s anecdotes and it goes like this:

Night 1. Commitment. What is your motivation for simbang gabi? Growing up, the lure of puto bumbong, hot cocoa and the sumptuous breakfast that awaits us at home was our motivation to get up before the crack of dawn to attend mass. As young adults the promise of a granted wish was what peaked our enthusiasm – but food as motivation wanes and as for granted wishes – well I figured that if I prayed hard enough God will grant me my wish anyway so as a result I have never completed the 9 day mass series. This year though I found a different kind of motivation. 

Night 2. Humility. Christmas is a time for family. Just as Jesus humbly accepted his imperfect ancestry so should we accept our family’s flaws (as well as our own) and work towards making our families Christ-centered, with Peace, Love, Faith and the Grace of God binding us together.

Night 3. Reflecting Image. Marriage is the fundamental relationship in which to apply all God’s teachings.  As two people promise God to love one another and look towards God in all the aspects of their marriage, they reflect the relationship between Christ and the Church. Marriage vows truly puts new meaning to the term ‘unbreakable vow’.

Night 4. Insight. Often when we face and come across life’s hurdles – we whine and ask God “why, why me? Why have you allowed this to happen to me?”, we often lack understanding and vision as to what message God wants us to receive, but just as Saint Joseph accepted and heeded God’s command so should we learn to silence our hearts, listen and readily accept God’s challenges. Let not our weakness and self doubt hinder us from saying “Yes” to the Lord, turning our whiny why’s into “Why not?”

Night 5. Submission. I am one of those person who likes to plan their day – I make a ‘to do’ list and feel happy and accomplished when I get to tick chores/ errands off my list. When my day does not go as planned, I get agitated and moody – and to think that we are only talking about just one day! Just imagine how Blessed Mary felt when it was revealed to her that she is to bear a son – it might not be in her immediate plans but she submitted herself to the will of the Lord saying “I am the handmaid of the Lord, be it done unto me according to your word”. We each have our own life plans but like Mother Mary we should put our full Faith and Trust in God. We should always have an open heart to the plans God has for us - “thy will be done”.

Night 6. Treasure. Everyday God’s showers us with countless blessings. We are blessed abundantly by God not because he wants us to amass a great deal of fortune but because he wants us to grow in spirituality, learn and have the resources to share and in turn be a blessing to others because as Father Troy puts it “Grace is not Grace when not shared”. 

Night 7. Master Plan. God’s outpouring blessings can be easily overlooked when we focus on the little things that may seem discouraging and insignificant - at times we even get riled with greed, envy and other worldly sins when we fail to see the big picture and desperately make things go our way . Echoing Fr. Arlo’s  ”ang lahat ng bagay ay biyaya ng diyos na hulog ng langit” sentiment we should include everything in our gratitude – good or (seemingly) bad, because anything and everything that has happened, is happening and will happen in our lives has a purpose and meaning  - it is all part of God’s greater plan for us.

Night 8. Apostleship. What’s in a name? I used dislike how my name is often misspelled and mispronounced despite how common it is. Overtime I began romanticizing my name having learned that it meant ‘beloved’, but this night’s readings and homily enlightened me to the truth that there is more to my name that just an idea of a pocketbook heroine.  Each one of us is given the collective name ‘Christian’ when we were baptized and are each called by name to do God’s work. 

Hi! I am (a) Beloved Christian, and I am a follower of Jesus”.

Night 9. Salvation. As we come to the conclusion of the Simbang Gabi, let us remind ourselves the reason of our celebration. God has given us the greatest gift wrapped not in ribbons and fancy paper but in swaddling clothes in a manger. God has gifted us with salvation with the birth of his son Jesus and it is because of him that we are saved.

Living in a non-Christian country where Christmas celebrations are subdued, it came to a point where we regard Christmas as just another ordinary day. Even the traditional simbang gabi is forgone because of the weariness our daily grind brings. Some expats would often even say ‘walang pasko sa Abu Dhabi’ but Christmas is here and I can feel it…

More that the reward of granted wishes or a full tummy, the urge to hear mass as a way of giving thanks for all the blessings I have received was motivation enough and having completed the Simbang Gabi for the very first time ever and learning a new Christmas Alphabet, has deepened my understanding of Christmas as it opened my eyes and heart to its true meaning and so despite being physically away from my famiIy, despite fewer gifts under the tree, I am sure to have the merriest, most significant Christmas yet!

… and for all of this May God be Praised!!!