Friday, March 28, 2014

ME. United 2014

We come as one to pray and worship our God with technology bringing us closer together breaking barriers, crossing seas, mountains and desert.


Video streaming by Ustream
... we are one... we are one in you Lord... and for all of this May God Be Praised!!!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Learning to Love One Another

Last February our unit was blessed to organize the Chapter Prayer Assembly. To spice things up out unit leader was inspired to open with a small skit in line with the assembly's theme of Learning to Love One Another.

It was an inspiring night with speakers and sharers drawing from deep within their hearts, stories that pull at the heartstrings.

Another highlight of the evening was the part where we are to give a warm and reassuring hug to a brother or sister - pre selected as per our seats.

I have always felt that hugs are the ultimate expression of care and affection and it was a joy getting one from a close friend that God used as an instrument to send me the warmest of hugs..

... and for all of this May God Be Praised!!!


Saturday, March 15, 2014

SFC Singolympics 2014

Masaya maging SFC!!!
It is indeed so much fun to be part of SFC!!! not only do we get to know more about Jesus Christ our Savior but we develop friendships, discover more of ourselves and have fun at the same time.
What blessing it is indeed to be part of a community that helps you grow as a person in Christ and the recently concluded SFC Singolympics 2014 is a testament of how fun it is to be part of the SFC Community.
Abu Dhabi Music Ministry

Bro Bryant leading the Worship

Parade of SFC teams - Abu Dhabi Green Crusaders
Dubai Blue Seekers

Abu Dhabi 1  Green Crusaders Mascot

Abu Dhabi 2 - Green Lanterns Mascot



Cheer Dance champions - Abu Dhabi 1 Green Crusaders

Over all champion Abu Dhabi 1 and 1st Place Abu Dhabi 2

... and for all of this May God Be Praised!!!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Say Y E S to the Lord

I really never am one to volunteer to perform in front of an audience but I said yes to being part of SFC Abu Dhabi Cluster A1 Cheer Dance group after being asked and encouraged by my House Hold Leader, Unit Leader and a few other SFC team leaders.

I had an inkling and expected that I was being asked because they needed someone small and light to be carried on the cheer dance pyramid. No problem I though, that seems easy enough as long as there are people who will lift and make sure I don't fall flat on my face. I just didn't expect that I would do the whole dance routine and boy was I wrong!!!

I, who don't have any rhythm at all, I who have difficulty following and memorizing simple dance steps - am part of a cheerdancing group! even I could not believe it!!!

As the dance steps and formations became complicated, I began to feel agitated and inadequate.
Stressed from work and sleep deprived from nightly cheerdance practices, running errands and chores in between, I felt the tension mounting that every time I think about it I get that weird sensation in my stomach.

As I began to question why I said yes in the first place when I very well know my limited dancing skills and how I extremely lack confidence in this particular performing arts area, a friend from SFC sent me this message:

When God Calls, He also Equips. When God Calls, He Enables. When God Calls, He Provides. When God Calls you, He qualifies you. When God calls us, He equips, provides, qualifies & enables us.

Dear Friends, When God calls, He equips! God qualifies those he calls. *Please, don’t ever forget – When God calls us, He equips us!*
He will not call us and then abandon us to figure things out in our own strength. When God calls you, he qualifies you. When God calls you, he equips you. When God calls you, he will provide. May our answer always be – “Here I am, send me!” May we always remember – Whatever God requires, He will provide for. When God calls us to do something, we need not fear – God will always provide the skills, ability, direction and resources we need to carry out His will.

what a timely message it was!!! Sure I still feel the enormous butterflies fluttering in my stomach, I still feel shy and worried I might mess up the routine, but there is this one voice telling me to just enjoy it, do it for God not for the audience, our performance is after all for his great glory...

... and for all of this May God Be  P R A I S E D! Praised!!!


Sunday, March 9, 2014

Singolympics 2014

... as we count down to the last few days before the final Singolympics event on Friday March 14, I thank God for pushing me out of my comfort zone, giving me opportunities to try and experience different things and pushing me to the fullness of my capabilities as I said 'yes' and signed-up for this year's bowling team and cheerdance group.

Never have I though I would be a 'cheerleader' but here I am twirling, dancing and chanting. I have never been much of a dancer and have no rhythm at all but I decided to just leave it up to the Lord to guide me and give me the confidence that I need come D-day!