Tuesday, July 7, 2015

dream big

“Your faith has saved you.” – Matthew 9:22

I believe God has no problem blessing us. The question is, how much are we willing to receive? The answer lies in how much faith we have. Sometimes we pray for things but we don’t believe enough that we will receive them. How can God place big blessings in small containers?

If we’re willing to settle for small blessings, that’s all we’ll get. But if we want big blessings, we need shopping cart-sized faith.

Reflection: What are you praying for? Does your faith match the size of your request?

Prayer: Lord, I choose to believe — big time.
let us dream big, pray hard for it and work towards it with the grace and guidance of our God – nothing is impossible with Him!!!!

Saturday, July 4, 2015


“Because you acted as you did in not withholding from me your beloved son, I will bless you abundantly…” – Genesis 22:16

In this world, there is God, and everything else is “stuff.” Stuff can be money, work, ministry or family. Stuff is neither good nor bad. It only becomes bad if it hinders us from worshipping and loving God.

Oftentimes, we are too attached to stuff. We make it the sole reason for our happiness and meaning. In turn, we feel dissatisfied and empty because we seek happiness in the stuff of God, rather than the God of stuff.

Unstuff today. When you do, you leave a space for God to stuff you with better things.

Reflection: Stuff should lead you to God and His purpose for you, not away from Him. Is there any clutter in your life that needs to be unstuffed?

Prayer: Lord, may I have less stuff, and more of You.

While God has abundantly blessed us with ways and means to have a comfortable life – may we not forget Him in the midst of all life’s pleasures and seek more of Him, using what He has blessed us with to focus more on Him and be led to our purpose and meaning in life – may we also open our hearts and hands more to bless others as well…
We are blessed to bless!