Monday, December 15, 2014

I am a Princess

“I would like to thank my parents who have instilled in me sound values and morals; my brothers who toughened me up - teaching me that femininity does not equate being the damsel in distress; my friends who are the spice of life; the SFC community who were and still are instruments in my spiritual growth; my knight who accepts me for who I am – all weirdness included and above all I give thanks and praise to my God- my King who loves me so much he called me His masterpiece.”

These are the thoughts running thru my head as I stood infront of the Princess Diaries tarpaulin yesterday and posed and smiled for the camera, parang thank you speech lng ng beauty queen diba?!

Every little girl dreams of becoming a princess and yesterday was indeed a very magical day filled with pink and white balloons, daintily prepared food and sparkly tiaras.

When I was a kid, I used to stand in front of the mirror and practice how to wave, blow kisses and curtsy as if I had just won the Little Miss Philippines Pageant which was kind of ironic actually because I have neverfelt pretty nor girly enough to win such contests.

Growing up with two brothers I would spend the day running around, riding bikes and climbing trees which scabbed my knees and as such was never comfortable wearing dresses.

I was an awkward wallflower who felt plain and un-pretty most especially when I hear people compliment and compare my cousins’ fair-skinned, Spanish mestiza looks against my typical Filipino features.

Often wondering what would I have been had I inherited my parents ‘beauty’ genes, I developed a somewhat introverted personality - feeling more at ease quietly doing crafts and tinkering in the kitchen rather than going to parties.

Realizing these to be my strong suits, I tried to develop these ‘talents’ and shared them with the people I care for. Without realizing it, my focus shifted from longing to be someone else to developing the person that I am.

“You are who and what you are supposed to be as designed by God”

"You are God's beloved, your name even translates as beloved"

"You are beautiful not because the world says so but because you are God's creation"

“Bloom where you are planted”

These are the words that resonated within me as I listened to every speaker and reflected during quiet activities in yesterday’s retreat.

I truly felt beautiful – not just because I was wearing an elegant dress and fancy shoes; it was not even because I was crowned a tiara and pinned a sash but because yesterday was an affirmation of who we are all along in the eyes of God – his princesses, his fearfully and wonderfully made beautiful masterpiece…

… and for all of this May God be Praised!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Sweet Grace

I have always been shy - a wallflower who can sometimes be uncomfortable and lost in a crowded room full of unfamiliar faces. My friends jokingly compared me to a diesel fueled machine that needs warming up before gearing go - yes it was the perfect description as I indeed need time (a couple of get-togethers does it) to warm up to a person.

Last Saturday was something else though - on our way to the Grand Fellowship after the ME RECON 2014 held in Bahrain, a sister sat next to me on the bus. She initiated the conversation which I engaged in until a lull came into it - I have always feared this (awkward) silence as you would not really know how to proceed and so I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. Still this sweet sister continued the conversation, calling to mind our unit head's boldness when it comes to meeting new people, I felt inspired, I opened up and slowly felt myself warming up to her and in that short bus trip when we got a glimpse of each others lives.

It was a very fortunate coincidence that we were also part of the same team for the fellowship games, thrown into more unfamiliar faces I was thankful for her presence, her bubbly and sweet personality was contagious that I could not help but be active in the games as well despite being physically tired and sleep deprived.

When it was time for us to go - my friend prompted me to take a picture with her but I could not see her amidst all the delegates wearing the same shirt, while contemplating on shouting out her name to get her attention she came running to hug me goodbye! it was such a sweet gesture that I was all smiles as we walked away.

As I was sharing the story to my friends and co-delegates from Abu Dhabi she again came to us and gave me her bracelet as a remembrance of the days events - it was a very unexpected, heartwarming and overwhelming gesture indeed and for this I am very greatfull.

Thank you my dear sister Mary Grace Quines Romero from SFC Bahrain for your kindness, thoughtfulness and sweetness. Indeed I see Jesus reflected in your personality...

... and for all of this May God be Praised!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Power of Choice

Have you ever wondered how many decisions you make everyday? While most of them may seem trivial and insignificant, like the choice of what to wear, it is crucial to understand that they matter because it is the little choices that determine the bigger ones we have to make.

“…I have set before you life and death, the blessings and the curses; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live.”  - Deuteronomy 30:19

Every choice we make has its own consequence - they are the seeds that produce fruits in our lives - and if we want to have the life that Jesus wants us to have we need to make the right decisions.

The 16th SFC Middle East Regional Conference held October 24-25, 2014 in Bahrain reminds us of our conviction to change for the better, to recommit to God, to make the bold choice and CHOOSE CHRIST.

Session 1 – Christ is Alive

Christ is Alive and we have seen him. Jesus personally comes to us despite our ‘locked doors’.

Jesus died to give us an abundant life full of overwhelming peace and joy but in the Good Friday’s of our lives – the times of deep sadness; in our fears; in our disbelief; in our guilt and unworthiness – we begin to question His presence and wonder how can He work and change our lives.

Looking back, I realized how our Lord has been initiating an encounter with me, from being invited to the CLP to being tapped for service – there are times that I have felt unworthy and inadequate but by removing the ‘stone’ in our hearts, and recognizing God’s initiative we are able to experience Christ’s resurrection – the Easter Sunday in our lives.

Have you learned to recognize the Lord’s initiative?

Session 2 – Hearts on Fire

When we choose Christ, we fill our lives with Him.

When we learn to recognize that Jesus is constantly journeying with us we become united with Him.

Like the two disciples on their Emmaus journey, recognizing God working in my life did not come to me in an instant. I felt ‘forced’ the first time I attended the CLP but when I opened my heart and felt touched by God’s presence, I was filled with a burning desire to get to know Him more and felt even more and more united with Him when struggles are conquered; mass is celebrated and the Eucharist received; during prayer; when tapped for service and in the thousands of moments in between – by making our lives God-centric we become united with Him thus we experience and radiate true Peace and Joy in His presence.

Each day is an opportunity to surrender all our inadequacies to God. When we learn to surrender; we learn to obey; our faith springs forth and our hearts burn with a passionate desire to follow Him and with Mother Mary as the perfect example of steadfast faith we too should strive to emulate her openness and acceptance of God’s will in our life. 

Have you accepted that Jesus is alive in your life? Do you radiate His presence?

Session 3 – Hearts in Love

Declaring that Jesus is alive in our lives is a call to unity with Him.

Life in Christ means being ready to say ‘YES’ and saying yes means being ready to obey and give God our best even in times of the odds in our life, trusting that He wants lead us from where we are to where He wants us to be.

A life of servitude is one way of giving back all the praise and glory to God. Being in the SFC Community presents various opportunities for service but it is only when we become like Christ in humility and obedience in self sacrificing service that we truly become His instrument to being the answer to someone’s prayer - making Him real to the people around us. 

A life of Humility and Obedience anchored on God’s love will naturally lead us to share this love through service, and service that is anchored in humility and obedience is our Faith in action

Do people see Christ in you?

Session 4 – Life in Christ

There is no other way to live a full life other than a life for Christ and with Christ.

God wants to be present in our lives, He wants us to experience the fullness of life but sometimes we forget and go back to our sinful ways and choose a different life than what He has planned for us. The good news is that even if we have made wrong choices and gone astray we can change. 

We can renounce a life of emptiness as a consequence of our empty pursuits, by taking responsibility for the mistakes that we have made in the past, making the bold choice and choosing Christ! I was once asked what makes me stay in the community after more than a year of service, right off the bat I answered "I remained in service because the community has helped me (and continues to help me) grow as a person whom God aught me to be."  I had made my choice and my choice became my life…

Living a life for and with Christ is not easy because choosing Him does not make us immune to suffering and temptations but by Knowing Christ and pursuing Him in our daily life we begin to have a deeper understanding of how we can Imitate Christ and be like Him by being inspired and inspiring thru the Gospel - choosing decisions and actions that becomes our being and our doing, thus Living Christ to the people around us. 

Have you made the bold choice? 

We are given the power of choice, of having free will and as we are presented with worldly lures that affects our decisions how can we make the right choices? It is by acknowledging that we can not do it on our own. By seeking wisdom, praying and asking God’s guidance to help us and renewing our commitment to do what He wants us to do that we are changed. 

Being part of the SFC Community further challenges us to be “fools for Christ” as we are called to be imitators of Christ and be witnesses for Him, proclaiming that he is alive with hearts on fire and in love -living a life in Him for we are Generation Christ.

The 16th SFC Middle East Regional Conference dares us to grow in conviction to change for the better, to change for the Lord, to recommit to God and CHOOSE CHRIST for “Life is Christ and death is gain”

And for all of this May God be Praised!

Monday, October 13, 2014

staying on track

After three months, four modules, twelve talks and countless of hours in preparation our Christian Life Program has reached its culmination, it is but of course it is just the beginning of our chosen path towards God.

Looking back - perhaps the most poignant question a member of our discussion group asked me was "what makes you stay with the community?." Right off the bat I answered "I remained in service because the community has helped me (and continues to help me) grow as a person whom God aught me to be."  

I told Yolly, that I initially did not want to join Singles For Christ because I thought that being a part of a Christian community would restrict and stifle me but on the contrary - the community afforded me a conducive environment where I could get to more about what it means to be a Christian and how to be a true disciple of Jesus.

True I still am a work in progress, I still have issues, I still have shortcomings to overcome but by God's grace, slowly I am learning, slowly I am growing in Faith, slowly I am developing a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God and along the way I have found new friends; I am given the opportunity to experience new things and exciting events; I found an avenue that utilizes what talent God has given me...

... and for all of this I give back all the Praise, Glory and Thanksgiving to God!!!

Transformation in Christ - Christian Life Program Talk 12

In the course of three modules, the Christian Life Program has armed us with the knowledge and tools on how to be better Christians and now that we have made the choice to follow Christ. 

Transformation does not happen overnight and thus we humbly ask for God to purify our hearts and guide us in our journey.


... days into our dedication day presentation practice - one of my discussion group member told me that she won't be able to participate anymore due to the increasing complexities of the dance steps. She was not confident that she could learn the steps in time. It saddened our group but we never lost hope and prayed for their rekindled enthusiasm... the next morning, our bible scripture guide had this message which I thought was very fitting in encouraging members to participate...

“ and He sent them” – Luke 9:2
Have you ever wondered what people meant when they talk about calling, vocation, or having a vision for your life. Sometimes we feel lost and confused, as though God didn’t want most people to know His will, all seems complicated doesn’t it? – but the truth is “If God calls us for a vocation, he will put the desire in us”.

Reflection:      Christian theologian and author Frederick Buechner once said, “the place God call you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunder meet.”

Prayer:     Dear Lord, please help me live out Your call for my life

I added this message and prayed for the best!

You might be wondering, why have we spent our Fridays seating and listening to people talk when we could have slept in or why we are sweating it out in a humid park, trying to learn dance steps that looks funny and complicated when we could have just gone out with our friends to dine out or watch movies.
My friends all of these events are not by accident, God has put the desire in your heart to be a part of a community – do not doubt, do not have second thoughts.

All your sacrifices, your cooperation and willingness is YOUR answer to God’s call and the fullfilment of your hearts desire – it is not complicated after all!!!

Let us serve God by means of our talent, time and treasure!!!  May our life reflect his greatness and glory!

... the next day our dear brothers and sisters came to practice with renewed enthusiasm and commitment...

... and for all of this May God be Praised!!! 

... for you my child - yes

A few days ago I wrote an entry about pending travel plans and how sometimes the answer to our prayers is “no” – but time and again God has revealed his graciousness and for that I am so thankful and felt so blessed indeed.

Stressed out from the cancellation of all our bookings because of the change in the Eid holidays, I initially decided to cancel all my travel plans. I felt at peace with my choice but had a twinge of guilt as my friends were all excited and were counting on me - no begging me actually to make the trip possible and so I fervently prayed for the Lord to guide us. 

I lifted all our plans to God and called on our God of Order to map out everything for us,  which He did - in the last minute we were able to book reasonably priced airline tickets and hotels, print our documents with the help of a good Samaritan and reached the airport just I time for checking-in our baggage.

Truly God is most gracious - a father who could turn a probable "no" into a "yes" because of his limitless and boundless love for his child. 

... and for all of this May God Be Praised!!!

Friday, October 10, 2014


I have always thought that my maturity level is below average compared to people my age – I still watch cartoons; love ribbons and frilly headbands and often get excited about stuff like balloons and face painting.

Though I justify this trait by saying “I am adorably childlike”, it (being immature) was one of my biggest fear when I was tapped to be a Discussion Group Leader.  

Would I be able to usher them into the path of righteousness? Would I be a good example? Would I be a beacon of light, source of inspiration, good listener and helpful advisor like my own DGL? I didn’t know – what I only knew was that I will try and do my best to handle the task set upon me – asking for God’s grace, guidance and empowerment.

Meeting the Christian Life Program Participants in our discussion group was unnerving – I was older than all of them but the way they spoke showed their high maturity level. I was intimidated at first but as the discussion proceeded I got to find comfort in their presence – feeling as if we have known each other, far longer than the hour we have spent during the talk.

As the CLP progressed, so did our camaraderie and friendship. Despite me feeling inadequate and immature – they have given me their trust, began confiding in me and opening themselves up to me as I do with them.  

Their openness, acceptance and maturity is what pushes me to ‘grow’ as well and perhaps the most rewarding and sweetest words they have told me is that ‘I would someday be a good mother’. 

And for this May God Be Praised!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Life and Mission of CFC Singles for Christ - Christian Life Program Talk 11

CFC Singles for Christ (SFC) is a part of the “Family Ministries” of Couples for Christ, which was formally launched in June 18, 1993 during the CFC Leaders’ Conference held at Xavier School in San Juan, Metro Manila, Philippines. II. 

Our call is to bring single men and women back to a life with God according to His plan.  SFC is one in the mission of CFC to renew, strengthen and support Christian families.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Dare to be

June 6, 2014 was indeed a day of affirmation as SFC Abu Dhabi Cluster A gathered and listened to the very engaging Tito Nolan Dalapo talk about what it means to be 100% PURE. 

From a very young age our values and morals were instilled in us by our parents, our school and the church – as tito Nolan said “we are all basically good” but society has that nasty habit of corrupting us under the pretense of ‘keeping up with modernization’ which affects our decisions and actions. 

What was once righteous, ethical and taboo became the norm – chivalry died; promiscuity became an indication of the modern woman; smoking, drinking and drugs became cool. 

As society progressed our sense of godliness regressed.

Dare to be

What does it mean to be 100% PURE? Being pure inside and out means living Christ-like lives. By being the face of Christ to others we are another step closer to the realization of this particular SFC assembly’s vision of being the difference in society by setting the standards that the world will live by and emulate. 

We as children of God are challenged to put into heart and action the following principles:

Drunk free. Drinking destroys not only our body but our good judgement as well, in being intoxicated we loose our sensibilities that lead to rash decisions and actions. Our bodies are the temple of our soul, we should take care of it and not desecrate it.

Smoke free. Like drinking, smoking destroys our bodies and adversely affects the (health of the) people around us.

Zero Drugs. Drug abuse ravages the mind and body resulting in bizarre, out of character behavior that separates the abuser from their loved ones.

Say no to pornography. Pornographic materials poisons the mind by planting impure thoughts that lead to impure actions. Pornography perverts the act of intimacy between spouses by turning it into a commodity to be bought and sold.

No to masturbation. Bro. Kiko Manese could not have put it any clearly by posing the thought provoking question: “can we stomach using the hands we accept the Eucharist with in fueling our impure fantasies and satisfying our guilty pleasures?”

No to gay lifestyle. Gay lifestyle constitutes acts that are immoral and are contrary to God’s natural design.

True love waits. Intimacy should not be treated as a way to demonstrate or prove love but a pure and wholesome act between man and wife in which the two express their love for and commitment to each other after they have made their wedding vows.

Virgin and proud. Virginity is a virtue that has become a social stigma, women are branded prudish and old fashioned if they don’t exercise the so called “sexual freedom”, but the true identifying quality of a woman is one who conducts herself as pleasing in the eyes of God rather than in the eyes of men.

Pro-life. Life begins at conception.

Pure inside and out. To be pure in our actions, our thoughts and our words.

When conformity is the norm, do we dare to stand up for our morals and hold on to our conviction of embodying Christ? 

We Dare

In the second half of the assembly, sharers Sis. Joan Rico, Sis. Goldie Maybuena, Bro. Ellwin Jose and Bro. Cris Madarcos shared their personal struggles with the dictates and temptations presented by society.

By making the conscious choice, they have resolved to break free of the sins that have kept them in bondage.

The path is not easy with all the temptations that the world presents but by seeking God’s Grace to help them in their dedication and commitment, working towards it and reaffirming their conviction that they are closer to their goal of becoming 100% PURE.

Growing up sheltered with parents who were strict – I identified with sharer Sis Joan Rico. My routine throughout high school and college was home-school-home, if I came home late it would be like facing a grand jury with all the questions and reprimands.  

There were times that I felt resentful. I felt stifled and deprived of opportunities as I missed out on things I wanted to do like joining clubs, going on immersion programs or World Youth Day camps. But God is truly great to have given me parents who protected me and taught me integrity and honor which I held onto despite the freedom that working abroad afforded and for all the things I missed during my formative years God gave me the opportunity to fulfill all those dreams thru the SFC community which is a thousand times better because not only am I doing it for myself but I am doing it for his greater glory.

After hearing admirable testimonies from our brothers and sisters, we are led to prayer by tito Nolan as we solemnly and most graciously asked for God’s mercy and guidance as we signed our 100% PURE Covenant cards and determinedly choose to be Pure in Mind, Body and Heart.

Concluding the day was a simple activity wherein we are asked to concretely proclaim our conviction of renouncing our ungodly habits. Writing our names on those sign-up sheets  seemed like an effortless act but was it was powerfully significant in all its simplicity because signing those sheets meant stepping up to the challenge and daring to be 100% PURE.

All for all of this may God be Praised

Saturday, September 27, 2014

sometimes the answer is "no"

Last August, my friends and I made plans to go on a tour of Budapest, Hungary on our October EID Holiday. We booked our flight ticket, made hotel reservations and prepared all the required documents – the only glitch is that our UAE visas were up for renewal and as such won’t be able to apply for Hungarian Tourist visa at the earliest. 

Still, we pushed thru with our plans and prayed that everything will fall into place – which everything seemed to…. our UAE visas were renewed and our tourist visas approved– but because everything came at the last minute, we lost our flight booking…

… Just when we thought everything is going as planned – something goes awry… 

… It was disheartening to say the least but the words that kept ringing in my head are “sometimes the answer is no…”

yes sometimes the answer to our prayers can be “no”,  and we just have to ask for the grace to accept God’s will, learn to see the bigger picture and understand the message – keeping faith that all is well because surely God has better plans for our own good…

… as of writing all our plans are yet to be finalized – I am having second thoughts about going even though my friends are determined to go no matter what…

… I lift it all up to you Lord – May your plans be our plans…

… And for all of this May God Be Praised!!!

Growing in the Spirit - Christian Life Program Talk 10

God's call for every Christian is to grow in holiness.  To this end, God has provided us with the tools for growth. Will you eagerly avail of these tools and strive to be holy as God is holy?

Receiving the Power of the Holy Spirit - Christian Life Program Talk 9

God has promised the Holy Spirit to His people.  With the Holy Spirit, we gain a new nature, spiritual power, and the power to serve.

You have claimed Christ's promise of the Holy Spirit to anyone who asks.  You have been baptized in the Holy Spirit and have received a new life from the Lord.  You are "a new creation: the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come" (2 Corinthians 5:17).  You have begun a new life in faith.  Will you commit yourself fully to Jesus Christ and grow into the life in the Holy Spirit?

Life in the Holy Spirit - Christian Life Program Talk 8

God is calling us to live a life of holiness and spiritual power.  For this, God has promised us the Holy Spirit.  Will you trust in the promise of your Father?  Will you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior?  Will you ask for the infilling of the Holy Spirit in your life?

The Christian Family - Christian Life Program Talk 7

The family being the basic unit of society has the power to create a ripple effect of change in society.

God is trying to restore the Christian family back to His original plan.  We are called to respond to His divine efforts and to be a part of His work.  Will you take the steps necessary to have God's plan happen in your family?

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

the Great I AM

inspirationa reading for today!
The word of the Lord is upright and all his works done in faithfulness.    – Psalm 33:4
Whenever we encounter stressful moments, let us call on God using personal endearing names that revela His character to us in the way that we need him to be at those times.
When we feel our temper starting to get the better of us, let us call on the God of peace to call our nerves. When we are having a frenetic day, let us call on the God of order to work all things out.
Calling on God in an intimate, fatherly way deepens our realtionship with Him. His words “when you call to Me, I will answer you,” becomes a reality. Our God is not a distant, but a personal God.
Reflection:  are you tired and anxious about certain situations in your life? Call on the Lord who is the Great I Am.
Prayer:  Oh Holy Spirit, guide us always to the path where your grace and gifts abound.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Exaltation of the Cross

"...our life of Faith is not always upward with bliss and happiness, when we are faced with struggles may we learn to embrace the Cross and make it a symbol of God's victory..."

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Loving Your Neighbor - Christian Life Program Talk 6

Loving thy neighbor, together with loving God, form the core of the Christian Life, it does not just mean having positive feelings towards a person, always saying 'yes' but love that is connected with keeping God's commandments.
I have written a short reflection on the topic the day after I attended talk 6 of the CLP I was part of - and though the core subject is the same, this time was different and I learned even more.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres...

Sunday, August 10, 2014


God is always with us, we just don't recognize him. We need not look for him in the grandest things in life but in the littlest of things. Let us learn to accept his extended hands and reach out to him. We need not ask proof but should learn to recognize his presence and trust that he is always with us in good times and even more so in the bad....

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Christian Ideal - Christian Life Program Talk 5

how do you express your love? by sweet gestures? extravagant gifts? a warm embrace? truly there are a hundred ways to say 'I Love You' but as sons and daughters of God how do we express our love for God?

Loving God must be our highest ideal and that is making an intelligent decision, a conscious effort and commitment to love God with all our heart, soul and strength.


Loving God is not as vague and impractical as you  may think.  It involves specific, practical actions, decisions and commitments.  Can you make loving God your first and highest  ideal?  Are you ready to make Jesus the model of your life?

... for all of this May God Be Praised!!!

the Gift of Tongues

... I guess the first time I heard Singles for Christ brothers and sisters speak in tongues was during the Talk 9: Receiving the Power of the Holy Spirit pray over of the Christian Life Program batch I belong to. The 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit was discussed during one of the earlier talks and again explained further by my Discussion Group Leader during our one to one but I was still taken aback and kind of got scared when I actually heard it. I could not help but wonder if I was the only one hearing it...
... not knowing really does lead to fear...
... I gradually learned more about the gift of tongues and with the help of a Tongues workshop session I got to learn about it deeper...
The gift of Tongues:
- is the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in which one speaks an unintelligible utterance or language that he does not know or understand
- the one who speaks in tongues, speak not to people but to God
Praying in Tongues is important because:
- it is a gift of the Holy Spirit
- it is a gift of Prayer
- it helps build up the body of Christ
- it gives a new dimension in prayer
- it edifies us
- we pray profoundly without knowing it
To receive the Gift of Tongues:
- we should desire it
- we should ask for it in Faith
- we are to yield and cooperate with God's Spirit
The most important thing that I took from the workshop was the knowledge that praying in tongues is nothing to be scared of because by solemnly coming into God's presence as who you are and focusing on God alone and letting the power of the Holy Spirit consume us, we pray with our heart...
... and for all of this May God Be Praised!!!

Monday, July 28, 2014


... what are you willing to give up for the ultimate treasure that is the kingdom of heaven?...


Monday, July 21, 2014

Repentance and Faith - Christian Life Program Talk 4

In the previous CLP talks we have heard about God's love, about what Jesus has done for us, about the relationship initiated by God with us and all that God has done for us - and now it is time for us to respond.

Talk 4 aims to lead us to repentance from our sins and turn to a renewed faith in Jesus Christ.

Repentance and Faith go together. It is a double action response. Repentance is turning to a life of obedience to God and having Jesus at the throne of our lives, and Faith is accepting that life and letting God show us how to live it.


Sunday, July 20, 2014

What it means to be a Christian - Christian Life Program Talk 3

what does it mean to be Christian? does it mean just following a set of religious doctrines and practices? does it just mean knowing and reading a lot about God? or it is a mere moral system?

Talk 3 of the Christian Life Program aims to make clear what Christianity is, making us appreciate the blessings of being a Christian.


Saturday, July 19, 2014

worth the wait

everything that is of great worth, takes time...let us ask for God's grace to patiently wait for his perfect timing...

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Who is Jesus Christ: Christian Life Program Talk 2

We as Christian are introduced to Jesus Christ since before we could talk or walk. As toddlers we are taught to kiss his image in our homes and am sure at one point or another our parents our guardians used his image at the altar in church to scare us and make us behave.
Talk 2 aims to attract people to Jesus and challenge them to respond to his deity and lordship. His words and life demand a response from us, are we willing to accept his as Lord of our life?

Despite growing up in a Catholic family, studying in a Catholic school, I seldom go to church, I don't pray the rosary and I don't have a personal prayer time - yes I know the man on the cross. I know his life story but I do not have a personal relationship with him.
Talk 2: Who is Jesus Christ is personaly significant for me - it was the first talk that I attended when I joined the Christian Life Program in 2013. For me the experience is akin to getting re-acquianted with someone I know - I may have forgotten Jesus, but he never forgot me and I was invited to reconnect with him and I had that spark of eagerness in me.
It was this eagerness that made mo come back for more every friday and I eventually finished the CLP. One year into the community - I am still a work in progress, but am slowly developing a personal relationship with him thru having a personal prayer time, scripture reading and attending mass as I constantly pray for him to open my heart to see, hear and feel all his wonderfull messages...
This is what I have said - more or less, I got quite nervous standing up in front as one of the sharers for Talk 2. It was during the CLP orientation that I felt the desire to be a sharer particularly for this talk because of its significance for me. I never told anybody though there were times that I almost did, I just kept on praying to be tapped as sharer and God has granted me this wonderfull gift!!!...
... and for all of this May God Be Praised!!!