Monday, October 13, 2014

staying on track

After three months, four modules, twelve talks and countless of hours in preparation our Christian Life Program has reached its culmination, it is but of course it is just the beginning of our chosen path towards God.

Looking back - perhaps the most poignant question a member of our discussion group asked me was "what makes you stay with the community?." Right off the bat I answered "I remained in service because the community has helped me (and continues to help me) grow as a person whom God aught me to be."  

I told Yolly, that I initially did not want to join Singles For Christ because I thought that being a part of a Christian community would restrict and stifle me but on the contrary - the community afforded me a conducive environment where I could get to more about what it means to be a Christian and how to be a true disciple of Jesus.

True I still am a work in progress, I still have issues, I still have shortcomings to overcome but by God's grace, slowly I am learning, slowly I am growing in Faith, slowly I am developing a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God and along the way I have found new friends; I am given the opportunity to experience new things and exciting events; I found an avenue that utilizes what talent God has given me...

... and for all of this I give back all the Praise, Glory and Thanksgiving to God!!!

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