Saturday, June 14, 2014

13th SFC National Conference 2014

... it seemed only yesterday that I attended my first SFC National Conference - it was such a joyous and momentous event that made me connect, for the first time,  the feeling and action of praising the Lord with all your heart, body and soul - all shyness abandoned...
... a year into the SFC community, this year's National Conference Held in St Anthony de Padua Church in Ras Al Khaimah UAE last 16 May with theme of Journey Beyond was truly the perfect avenue for us to re-evaluate and reiterate our calling and journey in the path towards God.

Session 1: Journey of a Lifetime
The path towards embodying Jesus Christ is never easy - the path is narrow and full of obstacles as we are often riddled by temptation and questioning our own self worth. The first session invokes us to look at our journey in three key areas:
1.) How is my journey inward? - this is basically our journey towards self discovery
2.) How is my journey outward? - which evaluates our relationship with the people around us
3.) How is my journey upward? - this is the ultimate journey that encompasses the first two as it addresses our relationship with God.
thoughts to ponder upon in the first session:
- we are not perfect, we sin, we fall - do we rise up and try again?
- do we help willingly in carrying other people's crosses?
- when everything is taken away from us, will we still continue journeying with God
- do we accept our cross with joy or with complaints?
- will we keep the faith?
How often have we heard the phrase "pasan krus" in reference to our trials and tribulations, the first session made me see our crosses not as punishments but as bridges to bring us closer to God because in Christ's crucifixion reveals: there is hope amidst despair; generosity amidst poverty; truth amidst deception; and life amidst death.
Session 2: The One who Remained
As modern day disciples, we, like John have also faced shameful and painful instances wherein we fail to embody and follow the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ because of our shortcomings:
1.) Anger - we often give into our emotions and forget to control our temper when things do not go our own way
2.) Envy - we often compare our self to others - compare the things that we have sacrificed vis-à-vis the rewards that we reap forgetting that all that we do should be in praise and glory of God and not for our own self satisfaction.
3.) Pride - we often forget to humble ourselves in doing our service seeing it as a way to lift ourselves up from above the rest.
Session two affirmed us of what the posture of our hearts should be in doing our various services and that is to praise and give back the Glory to God with all humbleness.

Session 3: To Jesus through Mary
"Mary is uniquely, particularly and personally our mother"
Mother Mary's virtue of Obedience, Simplicity and Humility should and must be the very values we should imbibe as we surrender and submit our will to the Father as we entrust ourselves to Mary and pray for her intercession.
Session 4: Journey Beyond
Change may be the only constant thing in the world but constant does not equate easy, specially if we are challenged to renounce our un-Godly ways in the path of righteousness.
The call of Change is Three Fold
1.) Recognizing the Relationship - we must always be reminded that our change must be fueled by the desire to be closer to God
2.) Deciding to Change - to say Yes and give our commitment to is the very first and crucial step in the continuous process of change.
3.) Action for Renewal - our promise to change should be followed through with concrete action.
To change and be a modern day disciple of Jesus Christ is never easy yet we should: Stay the course; endure the difficulties that comes with it and learn to move forward because despite all the obstacles we are never alone, Mother Mary journeys with us telling us "He entrusted us to each other, come, let us walk towards him rejoicing."
... and for all of this May God Be Praised...

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