Monday, February 17, 2020

hope springs eternal

Hope springs eternal in the human breast;
Man never Is, but always To be blest.
The soul, uneasy, and confin'd from home,

Rests and expatiates in a life to come.”
― Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man

... as the filipino adage goes "habang may buhay, may pag asa" (there is always hope aslong as we are living)...

... each day may we remember to trust and never loose hope... to not be selfish and self centered - to remember that we are blessed in so many ways... to not focus on what we've lost but on what we have and be truly grateful for it...

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

stars of hope

... when I was a kid, every time we would go out at night to play, I would always look up at the stars and try to identify the constellations...

Orion, the big dipper and little dipper were the easiest to find. The little dipper to us, back then was a 'rosary' and every time I would find it in the sky - I feel in awe...

... the world seemed grand, majestic and me only a tiny part of it - still there I was under the stars... whispering my hopes and dreams...

... tonight as I was on my back were doing cross fit exercises at the park, my gaze locked upon a familiar cluster of stars - it was the 'rosary', perhaps reminding me to lift up all my worries to God and watch Him work wonders...

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

a tiny speck

... today was emotionally exhausting... I felt like I was pushed on the verge of hopelessness... I seriously asked God 
why He forgot about me... why He let certain circumstances to happen that made me question the power of prayers... but then again maybe my prayers were not sincere, maybe what I want is not what is meant for me...

… I felt drained... I was wallowing in sadness as I walked home... then He gave me a glimmer of hope... I pray for everything to fall into place...

... thank you Lord that I still have it in my heart to pray - even though I question and doubt you... please listen to the tears in my eye, the heaviness of every sigh, the forced laughter and smile... and may that tiny speck of hope push through all the doubts and fears...