Saturday, April 5, 2014

Son of a Champion

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to interview one of the admired 'elders' of SFC Abu Dhabi Chapter 1... continue reading for the full article...

Good things come in small packages they say and I should know - I come in a small package too! Har har!

Kidding aside Bro Nelson Ciriaco may not be one who towers in height but he is one of those few people who can easily command attention. When he talks, people listen and not because they have to but because he has a way with words and talks in a way that would make you want to listen. Who would have thought that this engaging and inspiring speaker was once much comfortable hiding in the shadows during his CLP?
He is one of the first few friendly albeit unfamiliar faces I saw when I first came to the CLP. His bespectacled innocent baby face, belie a person who has gone through so much.

Blessed with a father with a strong heart and a mother whose resilience is incomparable, Bro. Nelson grew up in a family who was very much active in church despite being beleaguered with challenges.

With his father being in and out of prison, having been unjustly accused of various criminal cases, and his mother crashing from one relative to the next to attend hearings in support of her husband, Bro nelson took on responsibility at an early age and helped support his family by taking on odd jobs since he was in Grade 4 (from being a balot vendor to a tricycle driver) until he graduated with a degree in accountancy and landed his first job at former American Military Base Clark Pampanga.

Presented with independence, the opportunity and the means, he found himself trapped in the professional success he has attained and the temptation filled environment he is in. Drinking in bars and frequenting night clubs became a habit – a lifestyle he carried on until he came to Abu Dhabi in 2009.
He was leading a double standard life of practicing his religion, going to Church regularly and even accepting the invitation to attend the CLP and join SFC whilst carrying on his drinking habit and illicit relationship.

His epiphany came during Talk 4: Repentance and Faith. Having just celebrated his birthday the night before and coming to the CLP still intoxicated with alcohol, the talk hit him to the core - it was the push that he needed to finally turn back on his unchristian ways and while his decision was firm it was nonetheless testing and distressing. The succeeding Talks helped him get through this trying time and validated his resolve to let go of the…  that led to his transformation into a better person thus becoming a good influence to those around him and evangelizing people with words and more so with his positive example.
After a year of continued service, he was tapped to be a DGL. Bro Nelson considers this period in his SFC life as the most challenging. He not only is assigned with new members who are as stubborn as he once was but it also seems like every aspect of his life is in chaos. He was struggling with office problems, his parents had health issues and to top it all his personal relationship is in shambles. A little nudge from God by way of coming out unscathed and harming no one in a freak car accident brought him back to the realization to never give up despite life’s complexities because if you hold on to God you will always – always emerge victorious.
He continued to grow with and in the SFC community but there are still times that he feels unworthy and inadequate – talking in front of a crowd particularly holds him back as he feels scrutinized and under the spotlight. He considers the 2009 Family Conference another turning point in his SFC life. Despite vehemently refusing up to the last minute, armed with the encouragement of Bro Joje he took stage and shared his experiences. From then on, his eagerness to proclaim how God changed his life grew and along with it, his realization that God equips those whom he has called to serve.

Recently inducted as Unit Chapter Head he thinks of this as God’s way of training him for the responsibilities of handling his own family in the future as he prays for the SFC community to empower more brothers and grow not only in numbers but in faith as well. Bro Nelson prays for us members to be the face of Christ to all those around us, encouraging us to spread the Christian culture not only within but outside the community as well.
Calling to mind his favourite bible verse Phil 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me" he advises all SFC member to ‘never forget that in the community there is always someone will listen, that the answers to all our worries are already there – God will send angels and instruments to help us thru the most difficult times in our lives, we only have to dial God and make him our Master Call’
Bro Nelson truly has endured so much in life and while some would call it suffering he calls them blessings and thanks God for all these challenges. Standing up victorious from each and every fall by God’s grace strengthened his faith, character and brought his family closer than ever. He truly is a son of a champion for he is a son of God.

And for all of this May God Be Praised!

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