“Love thy neighbor as thyself:
Do not do to others what thou wouldn't not wish be done to thyself: Forgive
injuries. Forgive thy enemy, be reconciled to him, give him assistance, invoke
God in his behalf.”
- Confucius
ollow of
all the Lord's teachings because it encompasses six of the ten commandments and
as we go about our daily lives we encounter people who in one way or another
will cause us pain, test our temper or disturb our peace be it our family,
friends, colleagues or even the stranger who gives you impolite comments as you
pass them by.
initial human reaction to hurt and pain is hate, anger and resentment. It
certainly is easier to just fight back, get even or inflict the same harm to
those to have cause it but just as the Lord forgives us our sins, so should we
forgive those who have offended us.
us ask for God’s grace, pray for and learn to see those who have caused us
grief not as a nuisance (as we would even call them 'mga bwisit sa buhay ko!')
but as a blessing that will challenge, strengthen and teach us how to love the
Christian way for it is only by doing good can we overcome evil.
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